Deal With MisCarriage

Dealing with miscarriages

Miscarriages are often not only tough emotionally but physically for the lady who was carrying the baby.
If all this is not hard enough, imagine scenarios where couples were trying to have a baby since long and after years of fertility treatments when the woman conceived she had a miscarriage. Emotionally drained out and paying bills for their miscarriages.
To add to the frustrating situation what if a couple undergoes this again and again and have almost no energy left to try again. How to deal with all this when you are longing for a baby since long and getting all kinds of problems but your baby.
What really can make you feel at little ease is to know the fact that you are not alone and there are many of your friends or people around you who have been through this, maybe their story is more challenging and testing than yours.
Realize, that you are not alone and there are people who are facing similar traumas. Reach out to such friends and others who care for you. Moreover, come out of the guilt, after all, it is not your fault.
Spontaneous abortion (SAB) or Miscarriages: These are the pregnancy that ends within 20 weeks of gestation. Miscarriages are a common reason for pregnancy loss. Up to 25 percent clinically recognized pregnancy terminates due to miscarriages.
If we talk about unknown or unrecognized pregnancies, the data could be somewhere in between 50 to 75 percent. This also includes the pregnancies where they terminate before missing periods or when the woman is aware of any such pregnancy.
Reasons behind miscarriages: There could be many, if it happens during the first trimester it is usually due to abnormal chromosomes of the baby.

Other reasons for miscarriage could be:

Mother’s health issues that include infection or hormonal problems.
Age of mother is again crucial here.
Maternal trauma.

Mother’s lifestyle:

If she smokes, takes drugs or regularly consumes alcohol then the chances or miscarriage is high.


If the mother is suffering from malnutrition, it increases the risk of miscarriage.
Improper implantation of egg into the uterine linings.

Chances of miscarriages:

It increases with age, till the age of 35, chances of a miscarriage is 15 percent. However, for women aged above 45 years, the chances increase up to 50 percent.

If someone had a miscarriage earlier, the chances of her to experience the same is only slightly more than a person who has never had a miscarriage.

Symptoms of miscarriage:

There could be one or even all of the following symptoms. If you experience any of these seek doctor’s help immediately.

If you experience frequent bowl movement.
Severe or even mild pain in lower back, usually more painful than the menstrual cramps.
Weight loss could be a sign.
Also if the mucus becomes white-pink.
Painful contractions every 5-20 minutes.
Brown or bright red bleeding or spotting with or without cramps
Experiencing Nausea.
Clot like material with tissue come out of the vagina.
Loss of breast tenderness and sudden decrease in symptoms of pregnancy.

Types of miscarriages

This need not be a single event but can be a process comprising multiple events.

Threatened Miscarriage: In this miscarriage, the cervix remains closed. This includes lower backache or cramping with some degree of uterine bleeding.
Inevitable or Incomplete Miscarriage: Cervix gets opened and the woman experiences abdominal or back pain. Miscarriage happens when cervix gets dilated. Incomplete miscarriage results in persistent bleeding and cramps.
Complete Miscarriage: Embryo or products of conception comes out of the uterus. Here, bleeding and cramping also stop quickly and ultrasound confirms the complete miscarriage.
Missed Miscarriage: When the women carrying the baby don’t realize that a miscarriage has happened, the embryonic death happens but nothing comes out of the uterus. Its causes are not known. The absence of fetal heart tones during ultrasound and loss of pregnancy symptoms confirms this.
Recurrent Miscarriage (RM): This not very common and only happens with one percent of couples trying to conceive. This is defined by 3 or more consecutive first trimester miscarriages.
Blighted Ovum: An anembryonic pregnancy. Despite a fertilized egg implanted into the uterine wall the fetal development never begins.
Ectopic Pregnancy: When the egg implantation occurs in other places but uterus, most commonly in the fallopian tubes. Immediate treatment required to stop the pregnancy growth else this can be life-threatening for the mother.
Molar Pregnancy: Due to genetic error abnormal tissues grow in the uterus. The embryo rarely develops but the woman experiences the common pregnancy symptoms like a missed period, nausea, and positive pregnancy test.

How are miscarriages treated?

After a miscarriage it is important that your body expels all the fetal tissue out of the body and if it is not so than to stop bleeding and the infections D&C i.e. dilation and curettage procedure is performed on the patient.

After the D&C procedure, drugs are prescribed to control bleeding. After the procedure, if the bleeding increases especially with the onset of chills or fever, immediately seek your doctor’s help.

After a miscarriage, a woman goes through a lot of emotional trauma as well, hence, it is very important to take care of her emotions. This needs to be taken care by the near and dear ones for recovery of her emotional pain.

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