Mrs. Savita & Mr. S.P. SinghGreater NoidaThey have been married since 25 years of age Savita (44yrs) and husband (48 years). They took treatment from 10-12 doctors in different phases of life; were diagnosed at Agra that her tubes had some infection due to tuberculosis and were beaded. She took tubercular treatment for 9 months, got hysterolap done for tubes. Post laparoscopy had 7-8 cycles of IUI done but couldn’t get success. They were totally shattered and felt helpless that what to do now. The stopped visiting doctors loosing all hopes. One day when came for some work in market, saw our hospital name board. Mr. S.P Singh decided to meet once. He spend 45 minutes with us, and as we believe in total transparency explained each thing as their age was 40yrs now.We gave him hope and as i think he understood visited us next day with his wife. Mrs. Sarita First we decided to see her uterus by hysteroscopy after which diagnosis was made of lots of adisions in uterus due to TB infection. we thought that along with oral medicine, local cleaning of uterus with antibiotics etc. are important to prepare the uterus. We did that and then considering her age and low AMH with the help of egg donation we did her ICSI cycle. All were related to receive positive Beta HCG report and twin sacs seen on USG. Follow up was done every month She had PIH along with low lying placenta. In the 7th month had to admit her with accidental hembradge carried her till 32 weeks with difficulty. Lscs done – Female (1.8kg) & Male (1.5kg ) delivered. Babies were in nursery for 21 days but all that ends well is well.
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