Female Infertility

Where to get the best female infertility treatments in India?

Infertility issues are rising across the globe. Changing lifestyles, stress, pollution and many more reasons have contributed to this problem. In case, you are looking for the best female infertility treatments or male infertility treatments for that matter, the best place to visit is Adam & Eve Test Tube Baby and Fertility Centre.

Female infertility treatment is required when the female is not able to conceive due to several reasons which could be hormonal, fallopian tube issues or problem in timely ovulation.

Women, who are trying to conceive for the first time usually become apprehensive when they do not conceive within three to four months of trying regularly through unprotected intercourse. However, it is just a misconception. Any woman should worry only when they are not able to conceive after one year of trying to get pregnant.

At Adam & Eve Test Tube Baby and Fertility Centre, we are offering advanced female infertility treatments with high success rate. Even if you been through failed infertility treatments at other centers that doesn’t mean that you lose any hope as we have successfully handled such cases.

Advanced equipment, skilled medical practitioners, and careful precautions during treatment give us unmatched success rates and we are not only the best IVF center in Noida but in India.

Female infertility has a direct connection with women’s age. It tends to increase as women grow older. Women Fertility reaches its maximum potential during the early twenties especially between the ages of 22 to 26. After this fertility starts decreasing with the age and the declination rate increases after the age of 35.

Following are the women estimated chances of getting pregnant as per their age group. This data is based on the women who are trying to conceive without taking any drugs or IVF treatment.

For women around 30 years of age:

  • 75 percent of conception that actually turns into the birth of live babies within a year.
  • 91 percent women conception which results in the live birth of babies within four years.

For women around 35 years of age: As discussed earlier, female fertility starts declining after this age.

  • 66 percent conception results in the successful birth of babies.
  • 84 percent conception results in the successful deliveries.

For women around 40 years of age:

  • Only 44 percent conception turn out to be successful deliveries of babies.
  • 64 percent conception results in live babies delivery within four years.

There are multiple factors that affects a woman’s chances to conceive and deliver babies into the world. These include:

  • We already discussed age is crucial for female fertility.
  • Poor diet could be a reason for infertility.
  • Stress creates multiple health problems that also include fertility issues.
  • Athletic training can also affect women’s fertility.
  • Weight issues – both underweight and overweight.
  • Tobacco consumption and smoking habits are bad for female fertility.
  • Drinking alcohol or if one is affected by sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).
  • Hormonal changes due to some health problems.

There are health related problems that may result into infertility. If you are suffering from any of these problem, it is advisable to discuss it with your doctor. These health problems are:

  • Irregular or no monthly periods.
  • Multiple miscarriages
  • Very painful menstrual periods
  • Pelvic inflammatory diseases
  • Endometriosis


Frequent and timely ovulation is very important for successfully conceiving. Pregnancy is not possible without ovulation as there will be no egg to be fertilized. Ovulation problems contributes for 20 percent of fertility issues in women.

Causes that results in inconsistent or no ovulation in female body are:

  • Hormonal issues: Ovulation depends on hormonal balance and their successful interactions. Any dis-balance in the system can directly affect female ovulation process.
  • Damaged ovaries: Multiple, extensive or intrusive surgery for repeated ovary cyst can result in physical damage to the ovary capsule. In such cases follicles do not mature properly for successful ovulation. Infection can also damage the ovaries.
  • Premature menopause: This is comparatively rare case and still unexplainable cause. Some women gets their menopause much earlier to the expected age and this results in anovulation. One hypothesis suggests that this is more common in athletic bodies with low weight and long history of extensive exercises. This also says that their natural supply of egg gets depleted. Genes can also be blamed for such situations.
  • Unruptured follicle syndrome: This is still unexplainable in medical science. Some women monthly produce normal follicle with an egg inside it. Yet this follicle fails to rupture. Due to this egg remains inside the ovary and proper ovulation does not take place.

Damaged Fallopian tubes

This contributes to 30 percent of fertility problems in women. Any damage to fallopian tubes can cause fertility issues as this prevents the egg from travelling to uterus which results in infertility.

There can be many reasons that results in damaged or scarred fallopian tubes. These are:

  • Sexually transmitted infections: This could be viral or bacterial infections. This results in inflammation of fallopian tubes which in turn results in damaged fallopian tubes. A specific example is Hydrosalpnix, a health condition where fallopian tubes are obstructed at both the end and fluids get collected in the tubes.
  • Abdominal diseases: Appendicitis and colitis are some common causes that results in the inflammation of abdominal cavity and sometimes also results in damaged fallopian tubes.
  • Ectopic Pregnancy: This is a situation when the pregnancy occurs in fallopian tubes. This can be life threatening situation. Even when it is removed successfully, it can cause damage in the tubes.
  • Previous pelvic or abdominal surgeries: This can also damage the tubes.
  • Congenital Defects: Though this is not common, some women are born with abnormal tubes which are normally related to uterus irregularities.

Uterus problems

This contributes 20 percent of fertility issues and occurs due to abnormal shapes or linings of the uterus. Sometimes, uterus enlargement occurs due to fibroid tumors or uterine polyps. It also results in heavy bleeding during periods and pelvic pain.

At Adam & Eve Test Tube Baby and Fertility Centre, we are offering advanced female infertility treatments with high success rate. Even if you been through failed infertility treatments at other centers that doesn’t mean that you lose any hope as we have successfully handled such cases.

Advanced equipment, skilled medical practitioners, and careful precautions during treatment give us unmatched success rates and we are not only the best IVF center in Noida but in India.

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